May 26, 2017
Optimatics is an Adelaide-based software company that’s helped water utilities avoid nearly $3 billion in unnecessary spending and lowering operational risks, all without compromising their performance.
Its Optimizer™ software is the industry’s most powerful tool for analyzing hundreds of planning options across multiple asset types, determining the best plan to reduce capital, operating and energy costs while meeting all of the organization’s planning objectives.
Over the past five years it has successfully transformed itself from a technology-led consultancy to a software company with international channels and planned expansion of its Adelaide software development HQ.
Optimatics’ Vice President – Global Sales, Kevin Shipp, says the success is down to the company’s approach to problem solving.
“Traditionally, problems in our target market were approached using value engineering methods which rely heavily on engineering judgment and trial and error computer simulation”, Kevin said.
“Optimatics turned this approach on its head and instead, our technology uses machine learning to evaluate millions of system options and generate near-optimal economic, engineering and environmental system solutions”.
The company was founded in 1996 by world leading academic researchers from the University of Adelaide and evolved into a profitable consulting business over the next 15 years, providing software to hundreds of utilities in four countries. Over the past five years it has transitioned to a software company model, building on the benefits of its start-up history and proven technology base.
From these beginnings, Optimatics has developed a suite of products covering water distribution systems, wastewater collection systems and water supply and security. These products have been used to deliver more than 340 projects globally, providing billions of dollars’ savings to its satisfied customers. This includes a $697 million saving to SA Water, which enabled them to cost effectively integrate a new desalination plant into their existing water supply system.
Optimatics is currently engaged in an aggressive expansion program – not just in Adelaide but also hiring staff for its Chicago office; participating in Austrade trade missions; securing a Series B investment from a key strategic global water investor; expanding into Europe with 10 projects and successfully concluding deals in a number of US tier 1 utilites.